Source code for interactions.client.models.component

from typing import List, Optional, Union

from ...api.error import LibraryException
from ...api.models.emoji import Emoji
from ...utils.attrs_utils import DictSerializerMixin, convert_list, define, field
from ..enums import ButtonStyle, ComponentType, TextStyleType

__all__ = (

[docs]@define() class SelectOption(DictSerializerMixin): """ A class object representing the select option of a select menu. The structure for a select option: .. code-block:: python interactions.SelectOption( label="I'm a cool option. :)", value="internal_option_value", description="some extra info about me! :D", ) :ivar str label: The label of the select option. :ivar str value: The returned value of the select option. :ivar Optional[str] description: The description of the select option. :ivar Optional[Emoji] emoji: The emoji used alongside the label of the select option. :ivar Optional[bool] default: Whether the select option is the default for the select menu. """ label: str = field() value: str = field() description: Optional[str] = field(default=None) emoji: Optional[Emoji] = field(converter=Emoji, default=None) default: Optional[bool] = field(default=None)
[docs]@define() class SelectMenu(DictSerializerMixin): """ A class object representing the select menu of a component. The structure for a select menu: .. code-block:: python interactions.SelectMenu( options=[interactions.SelectOption(...)], placeholder="Check out my options. :)", custom_id="menu_component", ) :ivar ComponentType type: The type of select menu. If not given, it defaults to ``ComponentType.SELECT`` (``STRING_SELECT``) :ivar str custom_id: The customized "ID" of the select menu. :ivar Optional[List[SelectOption]] options: The list of select options in the select menu. This only applies to String-based selects. :ivar Optional[str] placeholder: The placeholder of the select menu. :ivar Optional[int] min_values: The minimum "options"/values to choose from the component. :ivar Optional[int] max_values: The maximum "options"/values to choose from the component. :ivar Optional[bool] disabled: Whether the select menu is unable to be used. :ivar Optional[List[int]] channel_types: Optional channel types to filter/whitelist. Only works with the CHANNEL_SELECT type. """ type: ComponentType = field(converter=ComponentType, default=ComponentType.SELECT) custom_id: str = field() options: Optional[List[SelectOption]] = field( converter=convert_list(SelectOption), default=None ) placeholder: Optional[str] = field(default=None) min_values: Optional[int] = field(default=None) max_values: Optional[int] = field(default=None) disabled: Optional[bool] = field(default=None) channel_types: Optional[List[int]] = field(default=None)
[docs]@define() class Button(DictSerializerMixin): """ A class object representing the button of a component. The structure for a button: .. code-block:: python interactions.Button( style=interactions.ButtonStyle.DANGER, label="Delete", custom_id="delete_message", ) :ivar ComponentType type: The type of button. Always defaults to ``2``. :ivar ButtonStyle style: The style of the button. :ivar str label: The label of the button. :ivar Optional[Emoji] emoji: The emoji used alongside the label of the button. :ivar Optional[str] custom_id: The customized "ID" of the button. :ivar Optional[str] url: The URL route/path of the button. :ivar Optional[bool] disabled: Whether the button is unable to be used. """ type: ComponentType = field(converter=ComponentType, default=ComponentType.BUTTON) style: ButtonStyle = field(converter=ButtonStyle) label: str = field() emoji: Optional[Emoji] = field(converter=Emoji, default=None) custom_id: Optional[str] = field(default=None) url: Optional[str] = field(default=None) disabled: Optional[bool] = field(default=None)
[docs]@define() class Component(DictSerializerMixin): """ A class object representing the component in an interaction response/followup. .. note:: ``components`` is only applicable if an ActionRow is supported, otherwise ActionRow-less will be opted. ``list`` is in reference to the class. .. warning:: This object class is only inferred upon when the gateway is processing back information involving a component. Do not use this object for sending. :ivar ComponentType type: The type of component. :ivar Optional[str] custom_id: The customized "ID" of the component. :ivar Optional[bool] disabled: Whether the component is unable to be used. :ivar Optional[ButtonStyle] style: The style of the component. :ivar Optional[str] label: The label of the component. :ivar Optional[Emoji] emoji: The emoji used alongside the label of the component. :ivar Optional[str] url: The URl route/path of the component. :ivar Optional[List[SelectMenu]] options: The "choices"/options of the component. :ivar Optional[str] placeholder: The placeholder text/value of the component. :ivar Optional[int] min_values: The minimum "options"/values to choose from the component. :ivar Optional[int] max_values: The maximum "options"/values to choose from the component. :ivar Optional[List[Component]] components: A list of components nested in the component. :ivar Optional[int] min_length: The minimum input length to choose from the component. :ivar Optional[int] max_length: The maximum input length to choose from the component. :ivar Optional[bool] required: Whether this component is required to be filled. :ivar Optional[str] value: The pre-filled value of the component. """ type: ComponentType = field(converter=ComponentType) custom_id: Optional[str] = field(default=None) disabled: Optional[bool] = field(default=None) style: Optional[ButtonStyle] = field(converter=ButtonStyle, default=None) label: Optional[str] = field(default=None) emoji: Optional[Emoji] = field(converter=Emoji, default=None) url: Optional[str] = field(default=None) options: Optional[List[SelectOption]] = field( converter=convert_list(SelectOption), default=None ) placeholder: Optional[str] = field(default=None) min_values: Optional[int] = field(default=None) max_values: Optional[int] = field(default=None) components: Optional[List["Component"]] = field(default=None) min_length: Optional[int] = field(default=None) max_length: Optional[int] = field(default=None) required: Optional[bool] = field(default=None) value: Optional[str] = field(default=None) def __attrs_post_init__(self): self.components = ( [Component(**components) for components in self.components] if self.components else None )
[docs]@define() class TextInput(DictSerializerMixin): """ A class object representing the text input of a modal. The structure for a text input: .. code-block:: python interactions.TextInput( style=interactions.TextStyleType.SHORT, label="Let's get straight to it: what's 1 + 1?", custom_id="text_input_response", min_length=2, max_length=3, ) :ivar ComponentType type: The type of input. Always defaults to ``4``. :ivar TextStyleType style: The style of the input. :ivar str custom_id: The custom Id of the input. :ivar str label: The label of the input. :ivar Optional[str] value: The pre-filled value of the input. :ivar Optional[bool] required: Whether the input is required or not. :ivar Optional[str] placeholder: The placeholder of the input. :ivar Optional[int] min_length: The minimum length of the input. :ivar Optional[int] max_length: The maximum length of the input. """ type: ComponentType = field(converter=ComponentType, default=ComponentType.INPUT_TEXT) style: TextStyleType = field(converter=TextStyleType) custom_id: str = field() label: str = field() value: Optional[str] = field(default=None) required: Optional[bool] = field(default=None) placeholder: Optional[str] = field(default=None) min_length: Optional[int] = field(default=None) max_length: Optional[int] = field(default=None)
[docs]@define() class ActionRow(DictSerializerMixin): """ A class object representing the action row for interaction responses holding components. .. note:: A message cannot have more than 5 ActionRow's supported. An ActionRow may also support only 1 text input component only. The structure for an action row: .. code-block:: python # "..." represents a component object. # Method 1: interactions.ActionRow(...) # Method 2: interactions.ActionRow(components=[...]) :ivar int type: The type of component. Always defaults to ``1``. :ivar Optional[List[Component]] components: A list of components the ActionRow has, if any. """ type: ComponentType = field(ComponentType, default=ComponentType.ACTION_ROW) components: Optional[List[Component]] = field(converter=convert_list(Component), default=None)
[docs] @classmethod def new(cls, *components: Union[Button, SelectMenu, TextInput]) -> List["ActionRow"]: r""" A class method for creating a new ``ActionRow``. :param Union[Button, SelectMenu, TextInput] \*components: The components to add to the ``ActionRow``. :return: A new ``ActionRow``. :rtype: ActionRow """ return cls(components=list(components))
def _build_components(components) -> List[dict]: # sourcery no-metrics def __check_action_row(): if isinstance(components, list) and all( isinstance(action_row, (list, ActionRow)) for action_row in components ): _components = [] for action_row in components: _components.append( { "type": 1, "components": [ component._json for component in ( action_row if isinstance(action_row, list) else action_row.components ) ], } ) return _components elif isinstance(components, ActionRow): _components: List[dict] = [{"type": 1, "components": []}] _components[0]["components"] = [component._json for component in components.components] return _components else: return False def __check_components(): if isinstance(components, list) and all( isinstance(component, (Button, SelectMenu)) for component in components ): _components = [ { "type": 1, "components": [component._json for component in components], } ] return _components elif isinstance(components, (Button, SelectMenu)): _components: List[dict] = [{"type": 1, "components": []}] _components[0]["components"] = [components._json] return _components else: raise LibraryException( 11, message="The specified components are invalid and could not be created!" ) if not components: return components _components = __check_action_row() return _components or __check_components()