Source code for interactions.api.models.webhook

# versionadded is specified in docs gen file

from datetime import datetime
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional, Union

from ...client.enums import IntEnum
from ...utils.attrs_utils import ClientSerializerMixin, define, field
from ...utils.missing import MISSING
from ..error import LibraryException
from .misc import AllowedMentions, File, IDMixin, Image, Snowflake
from .user import User

    from ...client.models.component import ActionRow, Button, SelectMenu
    from ..http import HTTPClient
    from .channel import Channel
    from .guild import Guild
    from .message import Attachment, Embed, Message

__all__ = (

[docs]class WebhookType(IntEnum): Incoming = 1 Channel_Follower = 2 Application = 3
[docs]@define() class Webhook(ClientSerializerMixin, IDMixin): """ A class object representing a Webhook. :ivar Snowflake id: the id of the webhook :ivar WebhookType type: the type of the webhook :ivar Snowflake guild_id: the guild id this webhook is for, if any :ivar Snowflake channel_id: the channel id this webhook is for, if any :ivar User user: the user this webhook was created by (not returned when getting a webhook with its token) :ivar str name: the default name of the webhook :ivar str avatar: the default user avatar hash of the webhook :ivar str token: the secure token of the webhook (returned for Incoming Webhooks) :ivar Snowflake application_id: the bot/OAuth2 application that created this webhook :ivar Guild source_guild: the guild of the channel that this webhook is following (returned for Channel Follower Webhooks) :ivar Channel source_channel: the channel that this webhook is following (returned for Channel Follower Webhooks) :ivar str url: the url used for executing the webhook (returned by the webhooks OAuth2 flow) """ id: Snowflake = field(converter=Snowflake) type: Union[WebhookType, int] = field(converter=WebhookType) guild_id: Optional[Snowflake] = field(converter=Snowflake, default=None) channel_id: Optional[Snowflake] = field(converter=Snowflake, default=None) user: Optional[User] = field(converter=User, default=None, add_client=True) name: str = field() avatar: str = field(repr=False) token: Optional[str] = field(default=None) application_id: Snowflake = field(converter=Snowflake) source_guild: Optional["Guild"] = field(default=None) source_channel: Optional["Channel"] = field(default=None) url: Optional[str] = field(default=None) def __attrs_post_init__(self): # circular imports suck from .channel import Channel from .guild import Guild self.source_guild = ( Guild(**self.source_guild, _client=self._client) if self.source_guild else None ) self.source_channel = ( Channel(**self.source_channel, _client=self._client) if self.source_channel else None ) @property def created_at(self) -> datetime: """ .. versionadded:: 4.4.0 Returns when the webhook was created. """ return
[docs] @classmethod async def create( cls, client: "HTTPClient", channel_id: int, name: str, avatar: Optional[Image] = MISSING, ) -> "Webhook": """ Creates a webhook in a channel. :param HTTPClient client: The HTTPClient of the bot, has to be set to ``bot._http``. :param int channel_id: The ID of the channel to create the webhook in. :param str name: The name of the webhook. :param Optional[Image] avatar: The avatar of the Webhook, if any. :return: The created webhook as object :rtype: Webhook """ _avatar = if avatar is not MISSING else None res = await client.create_webhook(channel_id=channel_id, name=name, avatar=_avatar) return cls(**res, _client=client)
[docs] @classmethod async def get( cls, client: "HTTPClient", webhook_id: int, webhook_token: Optional[str] = MISSING, ) -> "Webhook": """ Gets an existing webhook. :param HTTPClient client: The HTTPClient of the bot, has to be set to ``bot._http``. :param int webhook_id: The ID of the webhook. :param Optional[str] webhook_token: The token of the webhook, optional :return: The Webhook object :rtype: Webhook """ _token = webhook_token if webhook_token is not MISSING else None res = await client.get_webhook(webhook_id=webhook_id, webhook_token=_token) return cls(**res, _client=client)
[docs] async def modify( self, name: Optional[str] = MISSING, channel_id: int = MISSING, avatar: Optional[Image] = MISSING, ) -> "Webhook": # sourcery skip: compare-via-equals """ Modifies the current webhook. :param Optional[str] name: The new name of the webhook :param int channel_id: The channel id of the webhook. If not provided, the webhook token will be used for authentication :param Optional[Image] avatar: The new avatar of the webhook :return: The modified webhook object :rtype: Webhook """ if not self._client: raise LibraryException(code=13) if channel_id in (None, MISSING) and not self.token: raise LibraryException( message="no token was found, please specify a channel id!", code=12 ) payload = {} if name is not MISSING: payload["name"] = name if avatar is not MISSING: payload["avatar"] = if channel_id is not MISSING: payload["channel_id"] = channel_id res = await self._client.modify_webhook( webhook_id=int(, payload=payload, webhook_token=None if channel_id else self.token, ) self.update(res) return self
[docs] async def execute( self, content: Optional[str] = MISSING, username: Optional[str] = MISSING, avatar_url: Optional[str] = MISSING, tts: Optional[bool] = MISSING, embeds: Optional[Union["Embed", List["Embed"]]] = MISSING, allowed_mentions: Optional[Union[AllowedMentions, dict]] = MISSING, attachments: Optional[List["Attachment"]] = MISSING, components: Optional[ Union[ "ActionRow", "Button", "SelectMenu", List["ActionRow"], List["Button"], List["SelectMenu"], ] ] = MISSING, files: Optional[Union[File, List[File]]] = MISSING, thread_id: Optional[int] = MISSING, ) -> Optional["Message"]: # sourcery skip: low-code-quality """ Executes the webhook. All parameters to this function are optional. .. important:: The ``components`` argument requires an application-owned webhook. :param str content: the message contents (up to 2000 characters) :param str username: override the default username of the webhook :param str avatar_url: override the default avatar of the webhook :param bool tts: true if this is a TTS message :param Optional[List[Attachment]] attachments: The attachments to attach to the message. Needs to be uploaded to the CDN first :param Union[Embed, List[Embed]] embeds: embedded ``rich`` content :param Optional[Union[AllowedMentions, dict]] allowed_mentions: The allowed mentions for the message. :param Union[ActionRow, Button, SelectMenu, List[ActionRow], List[Button], List[SelectMenu]] components: the components to include with the message :param Union[File, List[File]] files: The files to attach to the message :param int thread_id: Send a message to a specified thread within a webhook's channel. The thread will automatically be unarchived :return: The sent message, if present :rtype: Optional[Message] """ if not self._client: raise LibraryException(code=13) from ...client.models.component import _build_components from .message import Message _content: str = "" if content is MISSING else content _tts: bool = False if tts is MISSING else tts _attachments = [] if attachments is MISSING else [a._json for a in attachments] _embeds: list = ( [] if not embeds or embeds is MISSING else ([embed._json for embed in embeds] if isinstance(embeds, list) else [embeds._json]) ) _allowed_mentions: dict = ( {} if allowed_mentions is MISSING else allowed_mentions._json if isinstance(allowed_mentions, AllowedMentions) else allowed_mentions ) if not components or components is MISSING: _components = [] else: _components = _build_components(components=components) if not files or files is MISSING: _files = [] elif isinstance(files, list): _files = [file._json_payload(id) for id, file in enumerate(files)] else: _files = [files._json_payload(0)] files = [files] _files.extend(_attachments) payload: dict = dict( content=_content, tts=_tts, attachments=_files, embeds=_embeds, components=_components, allowed_mentions=_allowed_mentions, ) if username is not MISSING: payload["username"] = username if avatar_url is not MISSING: payload["avatar_url"] = avatar_url res = await self._client.execute_webhook( webhook_id=int(, webhook_token=self.token, files=files, payload=payload, thread_id=thread_id if thread_id is not MISSING else None, ) return Message(**res, _client=self._client) if isinstance(res, dict) else res
[docs] async def delete(self) -> None: """ Deletes the webhook. """ if not self._client: raise LibraryException(code=13) await self._client.delete_webhook(webhook_id=int(, webhook_token=self.token)
@property def avatar_url(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Returns the URL of the webhook's avatar. :return: URL of the webhook's avatar :rtype: str """ if not self.avatar: return None url = f"{int(}/{self.avatar}" url += ".gif" if self.avatar.startswith("a_") else ".png" return url